Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out how House of Frisson uses and protects any
information that you give us when using this website.

House of Frisson is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and the processing of personal data, such as name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number shall always be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

House of Frisson may change this policy from time to time by updating
this page. You should check this page occasionally to ensure that you are
happy with any changes.

Any questions regarding this Policy and our privacy practices should be sent to .

We register your details through website sales and subscription to our
newsletter. The personal information we collect might include your name,
address, email address and IP address. If you purchase a product from us,
your card information is not held by us, it is collected by our third-party
payment processors, who specialise in the secure online capture and
processing of credit/debit card transactions, as explained below. We will not
disclose any personal information to third parties. You may opt out of
receiving mailings from us at any point by choosing to unsubscribe.

We will never sell or rent your personal information to third parties, nor will we
share your information with third parties for marketing purposes. We may
pass your information to our third-party service providers or subcontractors
for the purposes of completing tasks and providing services to you on our
behalf (for example to send you our newsletter). However, when we use third
party service providers, we disclose only the personal information that is
necessary to deliver the service.

When you purchase products from us, your payment details are processed by
a third-party payment processor who specialises in the secure online capture
and processing of credit/debit card transactions. If you have any questions
regarding secure transactions, please contact us.

The accuracy of your information is important to us. If you would like to update
your email address or any other information we hold, please email us at .

By visiting this website, you are accepting and consenting to the practices
described in this Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions. By submitting
your information you can censor the use of that information as set out in this

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to
prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable
physical, electronic and control procedures to safeguard and secure the
information we collect online.

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest (e.g. Facebook,
YouTube, Instagram, etc.). However, once you have used these links to leave our site, please note that we do not have any control over these other websites.
We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these
websites. Please exercise caution and refer to the privacy policy applicable to
the website in question.

We guarantee the security of all data provided by its online visitors and
protect the information they provide. Our clients' personal data will only be
used for purposes that are strictly connected to the supply of services on House of Frisson, execution of contracts related to the sale and purchase of
products on House of Frisson. Further, where you have consented, we
might use your information to let you know by email about other products and
services which we offer which may be of interest to you. If you change your
mind about being contacted in the future, please let us know by email.