About Us


Hi, my name is Luciano and I'm the artist behind House of Frisson.

I’m a creative person by nature. Since childhood I remember going through my mum’s fashion magazines and drawing the models and the clothes they were wearing.

At school, arts were the subject that I most enjoyed and had the highest marks.

When it was time to go to university, I chose architecture. After graduating, I felt there was something missing.

It is in arts that I feel a sense of fulfilment.

But it was only during the 2020 lockdown that I really felt the urge to express myself in art form, by experimenting with different medias and with anything I could put my hands on, at home.

The collage happened by chance. I found a decoupage book at home and decided to transform a coffee table in my living room, by using this technique. The results were satisfactory and so I started experimenting with other objects around me, including some discarded dining plates.




That was it, the embryo of House of Frisson began!

It was the beginning of this journey, experimenting and improving my collage technique, and realising that other people appreciated and were willing to pay for my art pieces.

A business idea sprang up, and at this time I was certain that it was the right path. Because it was coming from the heart.