Where do my inspirations come from?

Where do my inspirations come from?

Hi there,
I'm glad you are here. Thanks for coming!
Ok, let's talk about the sources of inspiration behind all of this...
The inspirations for my designs come from a miscellany of things that I like.
I have always been very fond of subcultures and underground scenes. The music played and still plays a big part of who I am, the way I dress and the art that I do. The 1970’s Punk DIY aesthetic sense is somehow in my genes.
As a teenager in the early 90’s, having access to the MTV channel was one of the best things that could happen to a country kid, who was already fascinated with pop culture but had no access to anything other than a few vinyl records, some mix tapes and occasionally a music magazine.
Easy to spot the influence of the good old MTV promo spots on House of Frisson’s short videos for social media, with overlays and glitchy fast moving images, resembling the distortions on old VHS. Just like it was back then.
vinko filipović
vinko filipović
Talking about music, have you noticed the cool background sounds on House of Frisson’s videos? It is mostly space-age exotica lounge music from the 1950’s and 1960’s, and some contemporary sounds which drew influence from those styles. I just think they are the perfect soundtracks to portray the mood of my work.
cloudcast image

Another source of inspiration is cinema. I love watching independent movies! I love digging around and finding treasures, either from now or the past. Horror movies are also on the top of my list. Can’t beat that spooky eerie atmosphere and the frisson chills that come with it. That’s where the creepy looking dolls in my artwork come from.
Thinking closely, I’m attracted to many sorts of oddities and curiosities. One can’t deny that there’s some level of beauty in the strange, unusual, and bizarre, otherwise these wouldn’t be portrayed in so many art forms for so long now. It’s not only about trying to shock the viewer, but there’s more to it.
I’m also very enthusiastic about the mind of artists, and the free-spirited people. I certainly draw many influences from the artists that I admire, not only from their art but also the way of thinking and carrying themselves. Frida Kahlo, Andy Warhol, John Waters & Divine, Quentin Crisp, Gilbert & George, David Bowie, just to name a few.
I’m drawn to vibrant colours and high contrasts. Minimalism is definitely out of my context! Since a very young age I loved the colour yellow, but the golden/orangey shade that is closer to mustard than to lemon. Just like the yellow shade that I chose for House of Frisson logo.
 Vibrant coloured flowers and roses are usually seen in my artwork, together with tropical vegetation and exotic bugs. I think of them as the perfect complement to create an exuberant, quirky, and strange world which is House of Frisson.


 I would love to hear from you. Please say hello in the comment area below. Thank you!
Luciano R.




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Just mind blowing to get to know more about you and understand why everything you do is so beautiful. Love your work! X


I can see all this influences in your wonderful work. Just love it! 😍


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